Many people are experiencing impacts on their rights and freedoms due to COVID-19 orders and restrictions.
I advise clients on their rights relating to:
COVID-19 testing
travel restrictions and quarantine
lockdowns, movement orders and curfews.
My advice is considerate and compassionate. I focus on empowering individuals by clarifying your legal rights in your unique circumstances.
I have achieved good outcomes for clients using a pragmatic and rights-based approach.
If you have a query, please contact me by completing and submitting the form below.
COVID-19 and the workplace
Do you need advice on a workplace policy or direction requiring or recommending you to be vaccinated or tested for COVID-19?

COVID-19 and schools
Are you a student, parent or guardian, wanting to know if your school or education provider can require you or your child to be vaccinated or tested for COVID-19?

COVID-19 and travel
Do you need advice on your rights and obligations relating to overseas and domestic travel including travel bans, testing and quarantine?